A three week celebration
13 – 30 April
Every year Council coordinates the Northern Beaches Seniors Festival, with a program of activities focusing on health and mental stimulation, food and nutrition, multicultural and intergenerational relationships, technology, accommodation and local service options.
The festival program aims to encourage over 60s to connect with their community and develop new skills and interests.
Download the printed program here or search the full listing of festival events and activities further below.
As part of the program Council will be coordinating two Meet Your Local Seniors Groups mini expos where you’ll be able to find a group especially for you at:
- Northern Beaches PCYC, Dee Why, on Friday 16 April, and
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall on Friday 23 April.
Please note, all face-to-face activities are subject to change in accordance with NSW Public Health Orders. Face-to-face activities will have COVID-19 safety measures in place including venue number limits, mandatory sign-in, and social distancing and hygiene measures. Wearing a face mask is recommended.
For further information call 8495 6618 or email [email protected]