Pines News 9Aug21

Good News….
Major Works contract signed In an update to our Major Works scheduled for February 2022, all owners will be pleased to know that the contract with Fluid Building Services has been signed, including securing mandatory HBCF insurance certification before the proposed 50% cost increase.  

EGM 27th August
The fire safety issue of the deteriorating pipes and sprinklers in the two basement carparking areas needs to be addressed before the beginning of next year’s Major Works.

This has been budgeted for in the Pines’ Capital Works Fund for several years following specialist advice, and is separate to any Major Works expenditure. Accordingly, an EGM to approve acceptance of contractor Civil Fire’s quote of $161,150 ( incl.GST) has been scheduled for 27th August 2021.

For your convenience this will be a wholly electronic meeting  with pre-voting via the Pines’ website.

An email will follow shortly to Owners with formal NOTICE OF MEETING and instructions on how to pre-vote. All supporting information will be published at  

Just a reminder, NO visitors and cleaners are allowed in Strata buildings under current NSW Government Health Orders.

Essential tradespeople can only be present if the household occupants are absent or in another room while work is being undertaken.

We have already had to deal with unauthorised, unmasked cleaners moving about our common property, particularly using the lift.

All deliveries of food and parcels; all visitors and tradespeople are a source of potential infection, and as such their access to common areas, in particular the lift, is restricted. They must be accepted or greeted personally at the front door in accordance with our COVID-19 PINES DELIVERIES/VISITOR POLICY. 

Please adhere to current Strata social distancing requirements when using the lift — maximum of TWO persons  in the lift at any one time, UNLESS ALL persons present are resident in the SAME apartment.

MASKS are mandatory in the lift and when present on common property

Thank you for your consideration.
Pines Strata Committee