Following Monday’s site meeting with the Pines SC, Fluid and Sutech, here’s the current status:

  • FBS are 16 days behind on the Stage 1 works due to poor weather impacting the project. 
  • Current works
     All balconies graded and membraned.
     Door replacement occurring in Units 23, 32 and 35. Remaining door works to follow in due course.
     Cavity membrane works being completed.
     Concrete spalling and painting works being completed on the western façade.
     Ongoing noisy works should have subsided with sporadic noise only being expected.
  • Program for the remainder of the building will be better understood and confirmed once
    FBS have finalised the scaffold design for the eastern and southern balconies and southern brickwork.
  •  FBS have advised that noise is likely to extend from September to November for scaffold install, southern cavity works and demolition on balconies on the Stage 2 and 3 balconies. 

Pines AGM 2022 Advance Notice: 

Thursday 29 September 2022 at 6pm in the Meeting Room.

Chair Strata Committee SP3840