Pines Major Works Progress Report 

Sutech have provided the following progress report:

Program Overview

▪ Northern balconies- All preliminary and membrane works on the northern balconies are complete.

Works are now focused on the removal of doors (hinged door and sliding door) to install membranes beneath doors. Given the extent of works required, two balconies can only be completed each week. All balconies on the northern elevation are expected to be completed by 19 September 2022, with tiling of balconies to be completed shortly thereafter.

We would expect that removal of scaffold from the northern elevation should commence in early October 2022.

▪ Painting works on the façade- Painting works on the façade slab edges northern above the entry is almost complete. 50% of painting on the western elevation is complete. The remainder of the western elevation will be complete in the next three weeks.

The western elevation has been more time consuming due to the extent of works required on the hoods and we would expect that painting of the remainder of the building elevations will accelerate.

▪  Southern and eastern balcony works, and southern cavity works scaffold- Fluid have faced significant preliminary challenges with the design and fabrication of the steel structure required to support the scaffold (which provides ongoing access for vehicles into the undercover carpark). This has now been finalised and fabrication will commence shortly. Once complete we estimate that the steel frame and scaffold installation is likely to take 5 weeks with works commencing around in early November 2022.

▪  Southern and eastern balcony works- Demolition to commence this work in the first part of November 2022. Fluid is making all efforts to try and increase workforce on these elevations to assist with accelerating the program.

▪ Cavity works to the southern elevation- The cavity works on the southern elevation will be undertaken simultaneously with the balcony works to minimise impact on programs.

▪ Other works- A number of non-contract related items have been raised since contract signature. These relate to isolated water penetration problems raised by owners. To minimise long term costs, we are utilising the access equipment available and having these completed concurrently with the main contract.
Assuming no significant weather delays, we are optimistic that will be completed in the first quarter of next year.

Provisional sum items

▪ To date concrete spalling repairs have been kept to a minimum. Our expectation is that the most extensive spalling will be exposed on the northern garages adjacent to the grass area.

▪ No stripping of existing contaminated coatings has been completed to date. It is too early to provide advice on how these works are tracking against the agreed budgets.

Challenges faced both to date and upcoming

▪ To date we have 16 weather days recorded against the contract since commencement. From current weather projections for spring/ summer this figure is likely to increase.

▪ High winds, which are prevalent at the building, have posed significant challenges for both installation of access equipment and works from swinging stages with ongoing stoppages. This has resulted in delays to the program.

▪ Ongoing state labour shortages have had an ongoing impact on progress of the works however Fluid continues to address the problem where possible.

▪ Materials and scaffold costs have increased significantly in the last 6 months.

▪ The installation of the scaffold on the southern side of the building will be difficult given the driveway area is an ongoing thoroughfare. Small trucks will deliver the scaffold given the driveway is not large enough to accommodate larger vehicles.

Ongoing disruption during this period can be expected. Cooperation between all parties will be essential to ensure that the process occurs as smoothly as possible.

Regardless of the ongoing challenges faced, owners can rest assured that we are working hard to ensure the best possible outcome in terms of quality of works and completion dates.

We thank owners and occupants for their ongoing patience and cooperation.

Steve Bowen,
Senior Consultant
Sutech Pty Ltd

Pines AGM 2022 Advance Notice: 

Thursday 29 September 2022 at 6pm in the Meeting Room.

Chair Strata Committee SP3840