Northern Beaches Area still has 3rd highest rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW (150 cases). Post Code 2095 has 20-29 cases as of 11 April. |
PINES EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Thanks to all of you, we now have a complete emergency contact listing of ALL residents here at the Pines. We also have several generous volunteers available to provide assistance, should anyone have to undergo complete isolation or be in need.Offers range from providing ‘muscle’ and undertaking essential pick-up and deliveries to cooking and baking! Thank you!! Please contact me if you need assistance. EMAIL UPDATES – to keep everyone on the Pines’ emergency list informed, updates are now delivered by email. You can use this email to contact me if needed. Pam Chair, Strata Committee |
UNIT 38 RENOVATION UPDATE Unfortunately, the renovations on Level 13 are on-going during this period of social distancing. The almost unendurable jack hammering (to remove a section of magnesite) is hopefully coming to a close, and the builders are, on the whole, abiding by the mandated 2-person limitation. |
PINES DELIVERIES/VISITOR POLICY All deliveries of food and parcels; all visitors and tradespeople are a source of potential infection. They must be accepted or greeted personally at front door. |