Please read below for:
1) Progress of tile demolition
2) Preparation for demolition
3) Advance notice Mon 21 Nov:
Impact on selected B2 Garages, Clothesline
4) Week ahead from Tues 15 Nov:
Garages and Driveway Access
Demolition of tiles on the Eastern and Southern elevations are moving ahead. Six plus balconies are due for completion today. Work is proceeding across both elevations simultaneously and from the top down.
All residents with balconies scheduled for waterproofing should be aware that demolition on their balcony could begin at any time should demolition on the scheduled balconies be finished faster than anticipated, and jackhammer crews freed up to move onto another balcony.
Please note where the crews are working in relation to your unit – you might be next!
ALL objects need to be removed from the balcony. During demolition, keep balcony doors, including hinged door (2-bed units), closed. Remove vulnerable pictures and ornaments from walls and shelves, to avoid them falling due to vibration. Curtains and blinds do not need to be removed yet. In approximately 2 weeks, residents will be advised when to remove them.
Advance Notice
Cavity works will begin on the Southern wall (facing swimming pool) on Friday. Please keep windows on southern side (dining area) closed.
All being well, on Monday 21 November, the swinging stage will then be moved around to the East face of the 2-bed northern units (clothesline area), to begin spalling and painting works on the face of the northern balconies.
The garages of Units 2, 10, 21 and 36 below this area will not be able to be accessed, or vehicles enter or exit, during the period of proposed works as the swinging stages are required to be landed in front of the garage doors overnight and weekends, and there is a risk of falling debris while works are completed overhead during work hours.
It is anticipated that this work will take approximately three weeks.
Vehicles in garages 15, 14A and 24 will not be able to enter or exit during work hours of 7am-3.30pm weekdays for the same period.
The clothesline will be unavailable for the same period (excluding weekends).
Vehicle access to garages and driveway
B1 access still restricted during 7am-3.30pm working hours, due to demolition rubble being removed etc.
B2 vehicular access subject to intermittent driveway blockages between 7am and 3.30pm. Please check before driving out or driving in.
Thank you,
Pamela Muir, Secretary
Strata Committee SP3840