Parking/Driveway Interruptions Tomorrow Wednesday 7June
Tomorrow, Wednesday, the hanging stages will be moved from the clothesline area around to the B1 apron and platform, to be assembled for painting works on the Southern Elevation.
In addition, a heavy truck will be employed to remove and load the rest of the hoist platform on B1. Accordingly, once more, residents on B1 who require their cars during the day are requested to move their vehicles onto the street by 7am and not return their vehicles before 3.30pm.
Residents on B2 are warned of heavy vehicle traffic using the driveway. Please check the driveway is free before leaving garages.
Front Entry Soffit (Ceiling) Status
Rendering of the front foyer entry is nearing completion and will be painted tomorrow, weather permitting.
This is awkward and messy work and the area will be restricted. Residents are requested to avoid using the front entrance for the duration of this work. Please enter and leave via the side fire stair entrance by the letterboxes, and always carry your keys. To leave the building, get out of lift at Level 1 and enter Left Hand fire stair. This will take you to side entrance.
Pamela Muir
Secretary SP3840
[email protected]