Sutech/Fluid have now provided us with a preliminary work schedule which will be updated closer to the commencement date. Please refer to the picture below for location codes. Details have been mailed to all owners.
The works to balconies have been programmed to be completed in Stages to minimise impact to residents.
All garages will remain accessible except for one garage, Unit 34, on B1.
In summary the program for these works are as follows:
Stage 1- Eastern balconies (Units 10, 14A, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37)
Works to commence on the 7th March 2022 and be completed by 1st July 2022
Stage 2- Southern balconies (Units 3, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39)
Works to commence on the 4th April 2022 and be completed by 29th July 2022
Stage 3- Northern Balconies (Units 2, 5, 8, 11, 17, 23, 26, 32, 35)
Works to commence on the 25th July 2022 and be completed by 4th November 2022
(Based on current program)
Noise and vibration
There will be significant noise due to demolition and cavity replacement. Based on the program it is expected that this will occur as follows:
Stage1 Eastern Balconies: 22nd March – 15th April
Stage 2 Southern Balconies: 11th April – 6th May
Stage 3 Northern Balconies: 3rd August – 26th August
Cavity works on southern side of eastern units (1, 4, 7, 10, 14A, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34 and 37): 14th March – 20th May
Removal of balcony doors
Doors are required to be removed on the nominated balconies, to allow for the door hobs to be prepared and waterproofed. This will require the door opening to be boarded up for a period of approximately 3- 5 days somewhere between the dates stated below. (Further notification will be provided prior)
Stage1: 20th April – 5th May
Stage 2: 30th August – 15th September
Stage 3: 1st September – 19th September
Again, this is the PRELIMINARY schedule and will be revised closer to project commencement.
Thank you for your consideration.
Chair Strata Committee
(0493 260 056)