As the Government enforces more self-isolation laws and lockdowns, we need to know who is resident in or visiting our building at all times. Your health and safety depend on it.
Under the current circumstances, and in particular should any of us have a problem or require assistance, Contact Information is more critical than ever. We also have a number of seniors who may require additional help, should we be forced into isolation.
It is urgent that we compile an accurate building ‘inventory’ of current residents.
Accordingly, I am asking you all to please either text me @ 0411 105 317 or email me at [email protected] with:
- Your Apartment No.
- Names of occupants.
- Your contact mobile and email address.
- Any potential special needs.
We would also encourage you to maintain a personal log of any visitors with their contact information. This information will be vital to your, their, and other residents’ safety should anyone be exposed to the COVID-19 virus as a result of contact.
We strongly request that ALL deliveries be collected by individual residents at our front door. Please DO NOT allow delivery personnel past the foyer.
Re the Lift, we strongly recommend that only a max of 2 people get into the lift at any one time, to ensure social distancing.
We will post updates to our website. To confirm The Pines website is located at:
Please check our website regularly.
Thank you for your assistance.
Stay well.
Pamela Muir
Strata Committee
Posted 24 March