For Owners who would like to calculate their Special Levy commitment prior to the forthcoming AGM on Thursday 27th May, here is how to calculate your individual levy:

Pines Special Levy Calculation
(Example Only)
AApt Unit Entitlement25From Owners Levy Notice
(See sample)
BGarage Unit Entitlement1From Owners Levy Notice
(See sample)
COwner Unit Entitlement26C = A plus B
DTotal Building Entitlements1,064From Building Certificate of Title
EOwner Share0.0244E = C divided by D
FTotal Capital Works$2,116,000Approved Budget
GOwner Special Levy$51,706.77G = E multiplied by F
Note: Please substitute your entitlements in (A) and (B) and repeat calculation. Some apartments have either ‘0’ or multiple garage entitlements

Owners who will have to replace doors and/or who choose to replace their balcony tiles with tiles other than the selected $70 per sq m tiles will incur additional costs to the Special Levy.

Sample Documents