Since the arrival of the Wuhan virus in Australia our usual lives and routines have changed dramatically and with continually changing and increasing measures being put in place by Governments further impacts may be expected.

In our small community of The Pines we are all trying to navigate these difficult times as best we can. It will be essential that we understand and heed the current advice aimed at prevention and containment and make responsible decisions for ourselves and our community.

The critical importance of personal sanitation and modified behaviours like hand washing and knowing how to cough appear to be the simplest and most effective basic measures we can adopt.

The coronavirus is spread through respiratory vapor, such as when someone sneezes or coughs into the air around you. It can also spread if someone who is infected sneezes or coughs into their hand, then touches a door handle, lift button, light switch and other “high-touch” surface in common spaces. When outside do not touch your face, especially eyes and mouth.

Washing your hands correctly — using soap and water and washing for at least 20 seconds — or using hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available, still stands as the best way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, according to the disease control experts. It is also vital to cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or cough into your elbow or sleeve.

Consider restricting your community interaction as much as possible for now but it is still important to get fresh air and sunlight and for exercise we have our great walking path outside. This promotes your immune strength and peace of mind.

Quite a number or residents are in the higher risk categories and it essential the Strata Committee are notified of any person required to self isolate for safety or if they have a confirmed  infection. We can then try to help with special measures and assistance with their daily life.

There is enough advice, rules and commands around without us creating additional complications and pressures. Together we just need to balance what we do with what is right for all who live in the building. Stay strong.

Please contact any member of The Pines Strata Committee if you need assistance or advice and call your doctor or the National Coronavirus Helpline 1800 020 080 which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you suspect you are unwell with fever and shortness of breath.