Progress Report

Southern (2-bed) Elevation

FINAL INSPECTION: Steve Bowen, supervising contractor Sutech, will undertake a final inspection of the southern elevation (2-bed) balconies tomorrow (Monday 1 May), between 9.30am and 11am via the external scaffold. He will be working from the roof downwards.

For Owners and residents on this drop, please be aware that Steve will be available to have a chat with you regarding any concerns or queries while he inspects your balcony.  Please note that Steve cannot give any specific time for each balcony as it will depend on the timing on the ones inspected prior.

Eastern (3-bed) Elevation

Tiling of all affected balconies is now completed. Silicone work on expansion joints and skirting tiles has begun and depending on weather conditions should be completed this coming week.

Eastern elevation painting works will continue this coming week, weather permitting.

While painting and silicon sealing (both inside doors and outside balcony tiling work), is going on in affected balconies (Eastern elevation), Fluid requests that 1st thing in the morning affected residents keep doors unlocked and if going out during work hours, leave doors unlocked.

Please keep off ALL affected balconies until well after everything has been siliconed, as the damp weather slows drying.

Please wait on putting back furniture etc. for a week or so.


There may be some further noise caused by installation of the remainder of the brick cavity wall ties for part of this coming week.

All garages in the B2 clothesline area are currently accessible until further notice, as is the clothesline.

This will change when the hanging stage is repositioned for painting and spalling works on the North East side balconies of the Eastern Elevation, possibly in the following week or two.

Upcoming Meetings

SP3840 AGM 2023 Thursday 29th JUNE 2023 at 6pm.

Pamela Muir
Secretary SP3840
[email protected]