NSW Government has power to lock down entire unit blocks with one positive case

Apartment residents could be hit by the most draconian COVID-19 laws ever produced by the NSW Government, which is able to lock down entire unit blocks when just one person tests positive to the virus.

The police also now have new powers to patrol buildings, quiz everyone living in – and visiting – apartments for their names and phone numbers, and order them all to take COVID tests.

In addition, any non-residents present at the time a block is locked down could be trapped in the building.

This is obviously a very targeted approach to multi-residential dwellings and it’s the first time there have been any clear regulations on the sector,” said strata expert Cathy Sherry, associate professor of law and justice at the University of NSW. “I think there’s a very good likelihood that it’s necessary, too.

“I just think it’s a shame that the very first public health order that’s aimed at apartment buildings is all about the police powers over them.”

The new regulations were issued on Monday evening, September 6, under the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order (No 3) 2021and gazetted on Tuesday.

They contain a number of sweeping new powers for the authorities when someone in an apartment building tests positive to COVID-19. If public health officials believe there is a risk of transmission of the virus, they can deem the whole building a “high-risk premises” and slam every resident into a hard lockdown.
