COVID-19 vaccination in NSW

NSW Health is working closely with the Australian Government to plan and implement a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccination program in NSW.

About COVID-19 vaccinations in NSW

Where to get vaccinated

How you will be able to access the vaccine and at which locations.

Who the priority groups are

When COVID-19 vaccinations are available to different people

Rollout phases

A phased rollout is planned in NSW

Vaccine safety

How vaccines are tested and approved for use in Australia

Latest vaccination news

Latest updates from the Australian Government Department of Health

Vaccination totals

Vaccine doses administered by NSW Health notified in the last 24 hours to 8pm 14 April 2021. Includes first and second doses. NSW Health’s vaccination clinics generally operate Monday to Friday. Therefore, there are a limited number of vaccines administered on weekend days and public holidays due to planned closures.


Vaccinations in last 24 hours to 8pm 14 April 2021


Total vaccinations since 22 Feb 2021

When and where to get vaccinated

COVID-19 vaccines will be available in phases. 

This means some people in the community will get the vaccine before others.

Use the vaccination checker to:

  1. confirm which vaccination phase you are part of
  2. book your vaccination at a clinic near you.

Start the check

Australia’s vaccination plan

The Australian Government is leading the COVID-19 vaccine rollout across Australia.

It has developed a national strategy so that everyone can access a safe, effective and free COVID-19 vaccine.

Read common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline

Call this line if you need information about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines or help with the COVIDSafe app. The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)

TIS National is for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.

COVID-19 vaccine bookings

You will go through an eligibility check and then booking options.Last updated: 24 March 2021