This is the weekend Victorians have been waiting for. New cases of COVID-19 have settled into low single figures and on Sunday, Melburnians are expecting a further easing of restrictions.
For more than 100 days, they’ve shown what sacrifices are needed to overcome a second wave in the absence of a vaccine. And their success contrasts dramatically with the surge in cases in Europe and North America, where the same disciplines were not applied.
But Victoria’s stringent approach would not have been necessary if the state had been better prepared and it is time for structural change, says Honorary Professor John Mathews, an esteemed epidemiologist with deep experience in Australian health politics.
“Despite early optimism about the national cabinet facilitating co-operative planning, that ethos has largely been lost and hard work is now needed to fix the problems that arise from divided responsibilities, particularly relating to border control,” he says. “From the 1918 pandemic we should have learned the importance of Commonwealth control of border quarantine.
“After Federation, the Commonwealth was in control of borders through the Commonwealth Medical Service, until that service was abolished in the 1970s because authorities thought that we had seen the ‘end of communicable diseases’.
“As the Ruby Princess demonstrated, the new Border Force lacks medical and public health expertise and has been unable to fill the gap.”
Mathews, a former deputy chief medical officer for Australia during the SARS and pandemic influenza planning, is now at Melbourne University. He says it’s time to redefine responsibilities for national quarantine control to overcome divided responsibilities between the Commonwealth Department of Health, the Australian Border Force and the states.
“At the beginning of the pandemic, Australia did so well because there was unambiguous national control and I believe the Commonwealth Department of Health should be driving the national initiative now.
“This country needs a renewed sense of national co-operation to implement the best possible expert advice.”
It also needs a decent vaccine and contact tracers with the capacity to prevent small outbreaks from swelling into future third and fourth waves. There are big questions about exactly who is planning to lead us back into the promised land and what route will be taken.
There is strong evidence masks are protective, but will we be wearing them? Will we have regular, reliable testing with rapid results and be using new technologies to help rebuild confidence and, as a consequence, the national economy?
One of the most controversial questions is whether our early success, with our low case numbers, will leave us more vulnerable in the long run.
The experts are divided.
For Professor Shitij Kapur, dean of Melbourne University’s medical school, Australia’s low levels of infection only become a risk if a vaccine doesn’t eventuate.
“It is reasonable to assume there will be a vaccine to provide herd immunity and, with that, a less restrictive new normal will dawn. In the meantime, aggressive-suppression is still the dominant option. But if a vaccine doesn’t arrive, Australia’s lead could turn into a liability,” he says.
“Should vaccines fail over the next 12-18 months, we may need to change play and consider more organic ways of reaching herd immunity and selective shielding and protecting.
“For thousands of years, in the absence of vaccines, the only approach to overcoming epidemics and pandemics has been to allow the infection to percolate through the community naturally.”
So, while we wait for a vaccine that may not arrive, or may be only partially effective, should we allow percolation? Many worry that a continuing strategy of aggressive suppression could leave the country behind, as the rest of the world moves on.
“The major potential downside of us doing so well is that after the northern hemisphere winter, most of the world will be close to herd immunity and keen to get on with life,” says Emma McBryde, Professor of Infectious Diseases Modelling and Epidemiology, Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville.
“But Australia and our fellow ‘bubble countries’ will still be paralysed with fear of getting the virus into our region. This could mean extensive travel restrictions and ongoing shutdowns of industry, retail and tourism.”
McBryde says it is time for the country to consider moving on, in a careful and planned way, towards herd immunity.
Crushing general measures
In the beginning, Australia did well when it closed national borders and aimed for “suppression”, but this produced mixed results.
Today most jurisdictions have achieved “elimination”, while NSW and Victoria have ongoing circulating virus.
“I worry about the imposition of crushing general measures that can be soul-destroying and think life should be allowed to continue with sensible measures in place,” says McBryde. “To keep going we need excellent health infrastructure in each state with the ability to respond, in a targeted way, to known clusters.”
Also needed is a community commitment to interact differently, an abundance of rapid testing, unrelenting contact tracing and better co-ordination among the states.
With this in place, McBryde says we could consider moving to a thoughtful version of “mitigation’’, with a loosening to allow for controlled infection to occur – in other words, aiming for herd immunity.
“Executed carefully, this can minimise loss of life while allowing most of the population to return to near-normal living. Herd immunity became a dirty phrase because of the maths used at the start of the pandemic. People were told the virus would be allowed to rip until 60 per cent of the population had been infected,” McBryde says.
“With an infection mortality rate of 1 per cent, this meant 0.6 per cent of the population would die, with most deaths among the vulnerable. But, with appropriate and diligent protection of vulnerable people, modelling shows the number of deaths could be reduced by 75 per cent. And we are looking at models that could reduce this even further, while still achieving herd immunity.
“To achieve this, while minimising harm, vulnerable people – the ill and the aged – would almost have to be ring-fenced to ensure they do not come into contact with infected people.
“Just as some doctors and nurses working in COVID wards sleep in hotels rather than going home at night and placing their families at risk, so measures can be put in place for aged-care workers. One possibility is to employ people who have already had COVID and hence could be expected to be at least partially immune to reinfection.”
Ageism or health advice
And until herd immunity is achieved – with or without a vaccine – McBryde says arrangements can be made for older people in public. But would this invite serious ageism, with people over 60 not allowed to sit in a regular stand in a football stadium?
“No,” she says. “It’s not discrimination, its health advice – like advising an 80-year-old not to climb Everest.”
McBryde says there are many caveats, the most crucial being the strength and durability of immunity following infection.
“But even if immunity lasts a few months, a selective infection strategy can still make use of herd immunity effects to protect the vulnerable, leading to much lower death rates than random measures.”
Her suggestions mirror those in the Great Barrington Declaration, which suggests people at minimal risk live normally and build up immunity through natural infection, while those at high risk are protected.
The declaration, written by three public health experts from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford universities, called this “focused protection”. They encourage governments to lift lockdown restrictions on young and healthy people while focusing protection measures on the elderly.
However, they have hit high-volume opposition, with opponents declaring herd immunity unethical and saying it amounted to “mass murder”. Of the many objections raised, one was that younger people would be at risk of “long COVID” – long-term side effects of an infection. This needs to be weighed against the adverse impacts of lockdowns and shutting down economies.
Adam Kamradt-Scott, a global health expert and associate at Sydney University, is firmly against the push for herd immunity.
“Evidence suggests previous exposure to, and recovery from, the virus may not offer long-term immunity. Based on this, the idea of herd immunity is a dangerous and ethically irresponsible fallacy.”
He favours containment, saying if the virus is not contained, the economy suffers either way – through lost productivity of people becoming sick and dying, and though the added burden to the healthcare system.
“Our best hope continues to be in preventive measures until a vaccine becomes available. We also need to mentally prepare for the reality that a vaccine could still be years away or, worse still, not arrive at all.”
Only a temporary fix
The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 shows what happens without a vaccine. With about a third of the world’s population infected, the pandemic came to an end through herd immunity. But in some places, it didn’t finish until 1921.
Despite mighty technological advances in health care over the last century, we are still relying on the same measures – quarantine, social isolation, masks and sanitation – used in 1918.
But even with a vaccine, the prevailing view is that the pandemic will be with us intermittently for years, says Professor Lyn Gilbert, a senior researcher at the Marie Bashir Institute for Emerging Infections and Biosecurity and at Sydney Health Ethics at the University of Sydney.
Like an infection, a vaccine may only provide temporary rather than solid immunity to the disease, she says. It’s also likely the elderly will not respond as well to a vaccine as healthy younger people, and may not be as well protected by it.
“It’s a bit of a myth to think we’ll have solid herd immunity that will protect the whole population. But, after two, three or four years of various waves of COVID-19, with people becoming infected, year in and year out, it’s likely a level of immunity will build,” she says. “There’s just too much we don’t know, to be able to predict whether herd immunity will be enough to stop the spread long term or just stop current episodes of COVID-19.”
Gilbert believes Australia’s good performance will not be a negative, but it could take years to develop enough population immunity to return to the way we were in 2019. And she’s very clear that segregating the aged is ageism.
“It would be sentencing them to not mixing with their younger, less vulnerable relatives and friends – unless they too, are willing to remain in a COVID-19 bubble.
“These folk would not be able to go to the theatre, concerts, cinema, beach or swimming pool – activities frequently enjoyed and financially supported by the elderly and many others classified as vulnerable.
“It is hard to imagine how a situation that deprived one group of people of social interactions, entertainment and exercise could be seen as ethical, let alone sustainable. “
Professor Peter Collignon, an infectious diseases physician from the Australian National University, says that apart from the obvious social and economic costs of Australia’s early success in fighting COVID-19, the significant medical consequences of the restrictions can’t be ignored.
The fact that many people were unable to access cancer services or have consultations for chronic disease such as diabetes may have long consequences.
“Some of our restrictions and lockdowns have been harder than we needed to get to achieve the same results. Victoria may have achieved the same result with stage-three lockdown.”
Collignon says in the meantime, it’s important to get the restriction balance right, so when the third, fourth and fifth waves hit, they can be kept small.