Avoid Parking Fines with this road rules refresher

Let’s face it, no one likes to get a parking ticket.

To save you getting the road rule book out again here’s a reminder of some common parking rules that people don’t know or get caught out on.

These rules are applicable Australia-wide and can be commonly found around our neighbourhood.

Covid-19 P10 Parking

As part of Council’s COVID-19 community response to assist local businesses, a number of P10 minute parking signs have been recently installed to help with the collection of take-away food from cafes and restaurants.

They can be found at 26 locations across the Northern Beaches, including highly populated suburbs with multiple eateries such as Brookvale, Dee Why, Freshwater, Manly, Mona Vale, Narrabeen and Newport.

The new parking restrictions are also available for local medical centres where it has been assessed and deemed safe to do so.

P10 signage will override any existing signage that is already in place, notably one hour parking.