National Cabinet reconfirmed the commitment to the 3 step framework for a COVID-safe Australia to be completed in July 2020.
All states are now in Step 2 or 3, the number of new cases has remained low, and localised outbreaks have been responded to effectively. Active case numbers continue to drop, community transmission remains low, and we are starting to see days with no new cases in most parts of the country. This progress needs to be maintained in order to make further economic and social gains – by living and working in COVID-safe ways as restrictions continue to ease.
National Cabinet agreed to further changes based on AHPPC advice to enable extended removal of restrictions under Step 3 for indoor gathering density rules and reopening ticketed and seated outdoor events, including in stadiums.
Indoor Gatherings
National Cabinet agreed to remove the 100 person limit on non-essential indoor gatherings under the Step 3 Framework and replace it with:
- 1 person per 4sqm;
- staying 1.5 metres away from other people whenever and wherever possible;
- maintaining good hand washing and cough/sneeze hygiene;
- staying home when unwell, and getting tested if you have respiratory symptoms or a fever;
- downloading the COVIDSafe app to allow identification and traceability of people that have been in contact with a confirmed COVID case; and
- developing COVIDSafe plans for workplaces and premises.
States and territories will determine when to implement these changes under Step 3.
National Cabinet requested further advice from the AHPPC on the 1 person per 4 sqm density rule and application for small premises.
National Cabinet reiterated that it is vital for our society and our economy that we can live with this virus, and keep ourselves and others safe – we cannot risk a second wave and having to step backwards, especially now that we are making such good progress.
National Cabinet reiterated that high risk venues such as nightclubs do not form part of Step 3 and will be considered following further advice from medical experts.
Outdoor events including stadiums
For outdoor venues up to 40,000 spectator capacity, ticketed and seated events will be able to be held in front of a crowd of no more than 25 per cent of capacity under Step 3.
States and territories will make decisions on when to move to Step 3 under COVIDSafe plans.
At a minimum, COVID-Safe arrangements must be maintained including:
- 1 person per 4sqm;
- staying 1.5 metres away from other people whenever and wherever possible;
- maintaining good hand washing and cough/sneeze hygiene;
- staying home when unwell, and getting tested if you have respiratory symptoms or a fever; and
- downloading the COVIDSafe app to allow identification and traceability of people that have been in contact with a confirmed COVID case.
For outdoor venues of more than 40,000 spectator capacity, further advice is being sought from the AHPPC, with arrangements to be settled by the states and territories on a venue by venue basis.
National Cabinet reiterated that high risk outdoor events without ticketed seating such as music festivals do not form part of Step 3 and will be considered following further advice from medical experts.